Patient Notice

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Dr Lisa Roberts has been a GP Partner here at Brotton Surgery since 1998.

It is with mixed emotions that we are to announce that Dr Roberts will be retiring from her role at the end of January 2025.

Dr Roberts has been the best colleague we could ever have wished for and will be much missed by all of us here – and we’re sure by the very many patients she has looked after over the years. Our area has been fortunate to have Dr Roberts caring for the community in a traditional family Doctor role for all these years, tending to many patients from birth to adulthood. 

We’re sure that our patients will want to join our team in sending our huge thanks to Dr Roberts and wishing her a very happy retirement.

Dr Roberts says ‘Thank you to all the patients I have seen over the years. Patients have been marvellous and although the job has been challenging at times I have enjoyed my time at Brotton. I am now ready for a new chapter in life to begin. I will miss everyone at the Surgery.’

The Practice would like to gather retirement wishes from patients to pass to Dr Roberts: if anyone would like to send a message to be included please email with the subject line ‘Dr Roberts retirement’. You can, of course, also put a note or card in at reception for her.